Saturday, 19 July 2014





Black & White Graduation Ceremony Dress - Karen Millen
Black & White Graduation Ceremony Heels - Karen Millen
Graduation Ball Gown - John Lewis
Graduation Ball Shoes - Carvela

So for those of you who have been following me on Instagram over the last few days, will know fine well that I graduated this week! It has been such a special and exciting time, and I'm so glad that we've finally all had the chance to celebrate all our achievements after all the stress and hard work of the last year at University. 

Both the ceremony and the graduation ball were great fun, for the ceremony; those mortar boards confirmed the reason you will never see me in a hat - they gave me the wrong size so it slid off my hat the entire day! Thankfully I didn't have to wear it across the stage, but it was an amazing feeling collecting my degree, while also not managing to fall on stage - despite being warned that so far the boys were winning 3 - 1 against the girls for falling down the stairs...

I loved sharing the celebrations with all the people close to me; my family (including my dog, Bracken who even sported a bow tie for the event - how CUTE?!), my best friends and my boyfriend who have all supported me for the last four years, and putting with up with me when I became all stressy.

It's scary to think that my four years at RGU have flown past and gone, and I've made the most amazing best friends; which makes it both scary and exciting for the next chapter of my life and career to begin!

So proud of all this years graduates, and congratulations to you all!

Much Love,


  1. Congratulations Rachel! All that hard work pays off :) love your ball dress!

    Christy x
    another weekend without make-up

  2. Congrats Rachel! It was so nice to know you at uni, all the best for your future!
