Thursday, 1 November 2012

Galaxy Nails

So these are my Galaxy inspired nails! I know it's now Friday and I did these on Monday, but I just had to share them with you! You need to excuse the untidiness of nail polish on my fingers, I meant to retake photographs after these but I just got too caught up in the dramas of Made In Chelsea, and sponging on mail polish gets a bit messy!

My friends asked me if this look was hard to achieve and took ages to dry, but not at all! It was actually really quick, and the fact your only dabbing on small amounts of polish on top of a dark base coat means that the drying time was pretty quick - but I also suppose it depends on the polishes you use, and I must admit I used quite a few here!
Even though I was sat painting them while watching MIC, I did remember to prize myself away from the TV screen to take some photo's as I went a long so that you could get a step by step guide to how I achieved the look....

Step 1) Paint your nails with an all over dark colour, black or dark blue's work best and here I've used 
            Chanel's 'Blue Rebel'

Step 2) With a sponge, I dabbed one of the Model's Own polishes from the BeetleJuice collection 'Purple Blue' across the centre of my nail, in varying diagonals and directions as this is going to be the area where you focus the majority of your galaxy look. I love using shimmers, as it gives such a cosmic starry effect, and the irridescence of this polish is so beautiful!
Step 3) Dab some lighter coloured polish onto your nails, just to give the whole look a lift! Here I have used two colours, NO7's 'Minty Fresh' Polish, and I just felt this look couldn't be done without a bit of Chanel Paradoxal! ;)

Step 4) Now you have your base colours, you need to choose a colour which 'pops!' from your nail. I googled images of galaxies and I was instantly drawn to the ones with purple/pink tones in them - all absolutely stunning. How beautiful! So the polish I have used here is 'Walton Street' by Nails Inc which is a gorgeous bright pink, and it really compliments the Models Own Purple Blue (the Beetlejuice) too ;)

Step 5) Now to add the finishing touches! With my white nail art pen, I added wee white dots along the centre part of the 'galaxy' to add in some wee stars, and then used my new 'Juicy Joules' polish by Models Own along certain parts of my nails too add to the galaxy effect - as it is a glitter which looks silver but has rainbow coloured flecks in the light.
Finished with my Models Own base and top coat - and voila! You're look is done ;)

Hope you like this look as much as I do, it's so simple but looks really effective and you can use any combination of colours that you fancy!


  1. Love this :)
    Google 'newsprint nails' you might be inspired!

    1. Yes! I love this look, me and my friends were actually discussing this the other day, and we decided it's one we must try!
      Thank you for the reminder Jem! :) xxxx

  2. I love the galaxy nails!!

    new follower here!

    The Misty Mom

    1. Thank you Sharina for the lovely comment & the follow! Had a look on your blog and I love it, so interesting!

      You have a new follower too :) xxxx

  3. it.*_*
    Maybe follow each other???
    My Blog

  4. Nice post and blog! (;
    Maybe u wanna follow each other?
    If u wanna let me know.
    Follow me, and I'll follow back. ♥

    Love, Jackffy

  5. Thank you,for the follow,dear.^^
    Follow you back on gfc.

  6. Absolutely love these!! Could never get mine to look this good! Awesome job :) x

  7. Beautiful!!! would you like to follow each other?
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

  8. Love this blog! Follow eachother on bloglovin'??
    Following you now!

