Tuesday, 15 May 2012

I'm now on Blogger!

Heyy guys!

So some of you may already recognise 'The Honest Type', as for about a year and a half, I have had my blog on Tumblr (www.thehonest-type.tumblr.com) but I've now also decided to have The Honest Type over on Blogger too - as it makes it easier to interact with more people, and is a platform that's just more accessible in general. I'm really looking forward to figuring out how Blogger works! :)
I'll still also be posting on Tumblr for those who prefer that blog over this one. I'm looking forward to having a bit more creativity on this blog though, since I can now have a fancy blog header - see Photoshop skills learnt at Uni can actually be put to good use... ;)

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my other blog, I post about Fashion & Beauty (as a Fashion Management student, these things come of natural interest to me!) so expect to see What I Wore Today posts, new buys, and my take on new trends - e.g I love my nail art, so there will be some tutorials and reviews on those too! I hope that whatever I post will be of interest to you!

For those of you who are on Bloglovin' and would like to follow The Honest Type via that, here is the link for you below!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I look forward to blogging again on here soon, got a couple of posts lined up to get me started on this! But to check out the many many many posts I've already done on various please visit my Tumblr, www.thehonest-type.tumblr.com!
Look forward to hearing from you all soon, and expect plenty of posts now that I'm off for the summer (YAAY! Uni work has been stressing me out for weeks on end!)

Rachel x

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