Sunday, 17 March 2013


I thought I still had my Bloglovin' link in sidebar of my blog; but turns out I must have removed it! Stupid decision!

Since Google Reader is going to be no more very soon, everyone is jumping onto the Bloglovin' bandwagon so I would like to share my link with you! 

    <------ Right there! Please share with others who you think will like my blog, and I will follow back too!

Sorry I've been so rubbishy at the blogging lately, time just seems to run away from me sometimes! I have so many things I need to show you, but just haven't made the time - but I am going to schedule it all in now! ;)
See you all over on Bloglovin'!

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Like your blog :) if you want to visit mine we can follow each other on bloglovin? Let me know I'll follow you back :) Have a great sunday :)
